Moving Mountains is a two-day women’s downhill mountain bike camp designed to foster camaraderie while imparting and honing the essential skills necessary to conquer the mountain, by working in our dedicated skills areas and on the trails. Our team of experienced coaches offers something for everyone from novice downhillers to advanced riders.

Coaches include Head Coach and DRRT founder, Kathi Krause, tech skills maven Tracey Spiritus, and body mechanic coach Carly Chiarella. Joining us this year are jumping ace Jamie Freese, Pittsburgh coach and downhill racer Angelica Pietranton, and Mountain Creek Shredders Victoria Baumgart, Victoria Zenoni and Sage Weis.

The central theme for the weekend is Cultivating our Mountain Bike Mindset. With guidance from Mountain Bike Mindset founder Erika Pilato, we will address our concerns and fears, establish goals, and shift our mindsets towards a resolute "yes I can" attitude.

Schedule Highlights:

Saturday: After our meet and greet, along with a chance for Erika to help set the tone for the weekend, we’ll head to to top of the mountain for a brief skills assessment. Then we’ll break into group sessions based on skill sets you want to work on. We’ll break for lunch at the Biergarten, generously sponsored by Trek Bikes, and then head back up the mountain to take our skills onto the trails.

Saturday Evening: Unwind from your day at a Happy Hour sponsored by Newburgh Brewing aaand Karaoke alongside your newfound friends.

Sunday: Kickstart your morning with a rejuvenating yoga session, followed by coffee and a continental breakfast. Our trail adventures resume with the morning devoted to on-trail skills, with the flexibility to switch groups as desired. After another delicious lunch sponsored by Trek, we’ll head to Upper Deviant for a jam session, followed by a lady train back to the bottom of the mountain where we will wrap up the day with a raffle and participant success stories.

Benefits included with your registration

2-days of lift accessed mountain bike skills instruction and riding, skill drills with feedback and on-trail sessions, Saturday happy hour and karaoke, Saturday and Sunday lunches, Sunday am coffee and continental breakfast, Sunday am yoga, swag, raffle entry, demo bikes from Juliana bikes and more!

Join Us and Let's Move Mountains Together!

Experience the thrill of downhill biking, forge new friendships, and empower yourself in a supportive environment. There's no better way to connect with like-minded women and cultivate lifelong bonds. When we unite our efforts, we can indeed move mountains.